Thursday, September 6, 2012


I started reviewing movies once in awhile on Facebook a few years ago.

I later began rating the movies along with my reviews after getting Netflix & discovering their rating system.

My "unique" rating style was birthed from 2 individual concepts:

First, I didn't like rating some movies on Netflix with a simple 3 or 4 star review because some deserved the while star & some deserved only half or less.

The second concept came from a couple of guys who have a YouTube movie review channel where they rate films with numbers and decimal points (i.e. 3.646). While I didn't agree with most of their opinions on movies, I thought the rating system was fantastic & thought to put my own unique spin on rating.

I rate films on a scale of 1 to 5 stars (1 being the worst, 5 being best), but you'll notice that I rarely (if ever) rate a film with a whole number.  Allow me to explain...

The Netflix rating system:

1 Star = Hated It
2 Stars = Didn't Like It
3 Stars = Liked It
4 Stars = Really Liked It
5 Stars = Loved It
Maybe I'm just too detail oriented, but I feel that there's a HUGE gap between "really liked it" and "loved it." I can't just jump from one to the next, there are too many details involved.

Here's how I rate:

1 Star = Hated It & Will NEVER Watch Again
2 Stars = REALLY Disliked It & Would Only Watch Again If FORCED
3 Stars = So/So & Might Watch Again If There's Nothing Better To Watch Or Do
4 Stars = Great! Will Definitely Watch Again In The VERY Near Future

Like I've mentioned before, my actual rating system is a little unique in that I will almost NEVER rate a movie with a perfect star.  I often use a decimal system which will show you where I find the movie to be and how far I am to getting to the next star (i.e. 4.02084757295 out of 5 stars should tell you I found the movie to be just above "great"). 

Hope I clarified this DaVinci Code for you! 

Hope you enjoy the reviews to come and understand my ratings!

"Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight"

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