
Sunday, September 2, 2012


"Take life one day at a time," that's what a wise man said to me!
Ok, so that isn't what a wise man said to's the lyrics to the theme song for one of the most awesome kung fu movies of my era: THE LAST DRAGON!

This movie is full of 80s goodness!  From wardrobe, to music, to pop culture references, it's a rush of memories if you were from the time (or if you're just a fan of the decade).  What makes this flick extra special for me is that the story takes place in my old childhood area:  HARLEM USA!!!! (Of course, actual filming locations were in studios, Midtown Manhattan & downtown...but still NYC nonetheless). 
If that boombox doesn't scream "80s" then surely the red leather pants do!

The movie is fueled with the only music that can get you going for a fight: Motown!  Berry Gordy produced this cinema gold and the music incorporated in it is just another example of 80s cheesiness and greatness all in one! 
The action scenes were very cool and feature a young Ernie Reyes Jr (if you don't know about him, think Kino from Ninja Turtles part 2 or Surf Ninjas, or the little dude who beat up the Rock in the Rundown...otherwise, he hasn't been in many movies which is a crime because he's immensely talented in martial arts!)
The story consists of a young martial artist named Leroy Green who's life is a HUGE contradiction....basically he's an African American city boy who dresses, speaks and acts like an Asian man for the most part.
Bruce Leroy (as he is known around that part of town apparently) is minding his own business when the Shogun of Harlem returns (from where, we never actually find out) and challenges him to a fight.  From here on out we have bullying, music stars, thugs, kung fu, dancing Asian dudes who think they're rapping, and a fortune cookie maker who is said to be the wisest man who ever lived named "Sum Dum Goy."
Ahem...the WISEST man to ever live, named "Some Dumb Guy"?  Was I the only one who caught that? 
It's clever little do dads like this that make this movie one that I can not only watch over and over forever, but that I know word for word from beginning to end!  If you haven't seen it, WATCH IT! 
Just don't expect Jet Li/Jackie Chan type action....this movie is worth seeing just for the Shogun's hair!

My rating:

4.72759673985614095 out of 5 stars

Enjoy!  SHO'NUFF!

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