
Friday, November 23, 2012


So if you watched cartoons in, or from, the 80's you know about a classic called Thundercats (they're loose!).

Remember the iconic "Thunder, thunder, Thundercats...HOOOOOOO!!!"?  Here's a refresher:

There has been rumor for years that this would be made into a feature film, but this has yet to be done.  Not too long ago, the big boys in Hollywood released a clip of what they wanted to do to Thundercats in making it a CG (computer generated) movie...and fans nearly burned the town to ashes!  Check it out:

Hardcore Thundercat fans protested this so much that Hollywood scrapped the idea altogether and went back to the drawing board.

But before Hollywood even thought of making this clip, a very talented YouTube user named WormyT threw together a bunch of movie clips to create a masterpiece of a trailer for his vision of what a live action Thundercat movie should look like.  This is one of my all time favorite "What If..." YouTube clips.  Enjoy the awesomeness:

I really like this clip and think the people picked for the parts were spectacular!  The editing was tremendous also, it looked like this was actually a real Thundercats trailer!

What are your thoughts?  Would you have chosen different actors?

See you when I see you,


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