
Friday, September 28, 2012

RED DAWN TRAILER (THOR IS A MARINE!) *plus a bonus review

Where are The Avengers when you need them?
So we have upon us, ladies and gentlemen, the new dawn of a new era... a glorious dawn.... a Red Dawn!

No, I'm not as interested in this upcoming film as I'm making it seem.  In fact, the only reason I'm even mentioning this is because I recently saw the original Red Dawn AND because one of my favorite video games has a level that resembles the attack depicted in the 2012 version of Red Dawn.


If the Russians invade? Just be nice...
We have here what's considered to be a classic film.  Not only because it features a young pre-Roadhouse Patrick Swayze or a teenage rock star from Mars who's got tiger blood and Adonis DNA, but because it presented a question: if a military super power were to invade your suburban neighborhood, what would you do?

We've got a bunch of of Russian and Cuban military landing unexpectedly in a small town and promptly taking it over by force.  When a bunch of kids escape to a remote part of the town, they decide it's time to fight back. 

"Invasion?  WINNING!"
All in all, it's not a bad movie.  A little cheesy in the special effects, dialogue and even some of the plot...but overall it satisfied.  Another classic 80's film under our belts here.

My rating on the original:

3.173081059 out of 5 stars


There's a level in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 that was inspired by the original Red Dawn.  I remember playing it and actually feeling scared because I thought "what would happen if I woke up and saw this?!" 

Just watch the first 34 seconds, then skip to 1:20-1:58, then 2:30-3:01 for the invasion scenes.


As you can see, we now have an Asian army invading and our heroes this time around are Thor, the kid from Hunger Games and one of the dudes from Drake & Josh.  Less impressive than the original cast, BUT the original cast were not popular at the time they did the original movie.

So what do you think?  Personally, I'm not too impressed, I think it won't be anything special....but I've been wrong before in my life....once.

I Bid You Good Morrow


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