
Monday, October 1, 2012

TOP 7 NETFLIX INSTANT PIX (10/01 - 10/07)

Here we go kiddies!  My 7 gifts to you for your Netflix Instant enjoyment this week!

The Experiment
A bunch of guys are brought together to make a quick buck on a study by the government.  The study?  See how people react when given authority and how others react when their freedom is taken away.  I thought this movie was very entertaining and gives pretty good insight to how we act when given absolute power or have our rights stripped of us. 

Quick rating:

3.995737914 out of 5 stars

What Dreams May Come
Many, MANY people have downed this flick since it came out.  They talk about the confusion of characters and just the overall ridiculousness of the creator's concept of Heaven.  I personally like anything that depicts Heaven and Hell because I like to see how people perceive them.  I thought the imagination put into this movie (which was actually a book by legendary author Richard Matheson) was second to none.  I liked how Heaven and Hell were portrayed and thought the story of soul mates and their powerful love for each other was very good and moving.

Quick rating:

4.284300054732 out of 5 stars

8 people are applying for a position in a major organization...but this company is no normal company and they do not sell normal products.  The concept is simple: 8 people in 1 room with a set amount of time to determine "what is the question" and then answer it.  It's more complicated than I'm making it sound and the 'rules' issued to these 8 people make tensions run VERY high.  Very good thriller.

Quick rating:

4.42829208752 out of 5 stars

We see what happens to Green Lantern when he has no ring of power to help him: he wakes up in a coffin buried alive.  With only a cell phone and a lighter, he has to find out how he got there, who put him there and how to contact the outside world to help him get out.  This movie was VERY interesting because you almost feel like you're in there with him.  I won't ruin the ending, but it was VERY good!

Quick rating:

4.494023857 out of 5 stars

Forever Strong
Star rugby player gets into a drinking and driving accident and is locked up.  While behind bars, he finds that he can shorten his sentence if he plays for his team's most hated (and undefeated) rival.  He goes in thinking he will discover some cheating method to show how this team hasn't lost a game, but instead finds a strong family unit and discovers he is becoming a better person as a result.  Very good family movie and very uplifting with strong Christian values although it is not considered a Christian movie.

Quick rating:

4.58324958 out of 5 stars

Raging Phoenix
A girl is jumped by a group of guys and saved by band of slackers who take her in and train her to fight.  She then seeks revenge on the people who jumped her.  In the process, she meets the leader of the guys that saved her and ultimately helps him rescue his long lost lover who has been captured by an evil fighter.  Yes, the plot is rather dry, but I honestly liked this movie just for the unique style of fighting which is a combination of karate, capoeira and break dancing!  Lots of fighting, some slow parts, but the action was really really good!

Quick rating:

3.39503892 out of 5 stars

Please don't get this confused with the Marlon Wayans/David Spade romp.  This "Senseless" introduces us to a man who is imprisoned by an unknown group of people.  He is tortured regularly and has no idea why, only to find out that his torture is being broadcast over the Internet and the public are actually voting for his torture to continue!  This was a disturbing movie because the torture was senseless but you can't help but wonder what's next and will he survive? 

Quick rating:

4.6123123894 out of 5 stars

Hope you get to catch a few, or all, of these movies and enjoy them!

You don't want to see this. Trust me.

I'll See Ya When I See Ya


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