Saturday, May 11, 2013


It's been way too long!!

Please accept my humblest apologies for neglecting you wonderful, wonderful people for the past week or so!  Things have been so unbelievable busy for me that I haven't been able to write reviews or make videos at all.  I have a ton of posts to write on here which I have started but haven't been able to either do research needed or just complete my thoughts in them because of the transitioning of things that are happening.

I have so many ideas for new and entertaining things for you guys and I WILL get them done, please bear with me!  I PROMISE you this coming week I will be posting a movie review (not sure whether it will be a video or written one yet) AND I have a new series I'm starting that I think people will really like.

I also have another Superhero Syndrome in the works that I believe you all will find interesting!  A lot of things on the horizon!  Stay tuned!

Thank you all again for being so awesome in your support!


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